Frequently Asked Questions

When does Future CEO start?

The Spring Future CEO program begins February 20, 2025, and runs for six weeks. Participants will open their “business” on the 7th week during Future CEO Business Day.

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Must students log in on a certain day and time?

Yes. All sessions are live and in-person at the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Offices on the dates listed starting at 4:00pm. If a student has to miss a session for some reason, the session content will be available after the fact via a password-accessed webinar. (NOTE: The “sessions” are NOT recorded, but the content will be pre-recorded for the session leader for those who miss for some reason).

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Can I sell something besides lemonade?

We love entrepreneurs! Maybe your student bakes cookies? Perhaps they want to start a car washing business? Utilize this coursework to start whichever business works for you. Our marketing will promote all types of stands.

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Are there any additional costs?

Future CEO registration covers access to the webinars, downloadable workbooks, and marketing packet. Future CEO’s will need funds to start their business (think supplies to make hot chocolate/orange juice, cups, etc.). How to find these funds is covered in the sessions.

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Are there any scholarships available?

We are happy to announce that several local businesses have created scholarships for local students. If you would like your business to sponsor a scholarship, please reach out to Chris Cochran at

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Will the students be graded?

As in business, success is measured very differently. We want this fun experience to be a life lesson on how to start a business, create positive customer experiences, manage and save money, and build a brand. There are no grades just an opportunity for learning beyond the classroom.

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What materials are required?

To participate in Future CEO, students must have access to the internet and a computer.

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Can my student participate if they don't live in Carlsbad?

Yes, students from any school or home school within the Carlsbad, Encinitas, and San Dieguito School Districts and local private schools can participate!

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contact Future ceo

Let's talk

For more information on our Future CEO Program, send us a message or feel free to contact Director of Operations Chris Cochran at or call 760-931-8400 ext 232.